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The Best 10 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

Alex Adams • 2 September 2020
The Best 10 Exercises To Tone Your Butt

1. Tight Hip Rotations

This move will have you rotating your hips – and feeling amazing. Plus, it’ll tone your butt to perfect firmness – not to mention improve your obliques and shoulders.
What to do:
Lie down on your left side. Keep your head resting on your left palm. Bend your knees 45 degrees in front of you.
Keeping a 5 pound dumbbell in your right hand and your right elbow on your right side, lift up your right leg and your right arm towards the ceiling at about a 90 degree angle.
While you’re doing that, keep your hips on top of each other – don’t let them rock backwards – and keep your elbow pressed into your side.
Hold the top of the position for 2 counts before going back to the starting position.

2. Extra Strength Lunges

This move tones your butt while giving you an amazing stretch all the way from your glutes to your toes – and improving your balance at the same time.

What to do: 

Stand up straight – hands on your hips and feet together. Lunge forward with your left leg, moving your fists up near your chin.

Then, in full lunge position, jump straight upwards, switch your legs, and land with your right leg in a lunge in front of you. 

Keep switching for a full 60 seconds. Remember to keep your fists up high, and use both feet to jump off the floor. Your front knee should always be at a 90 degree angle directly over your ankle.

3. Ballet Lifts

This is as simple a move as you’ll ever find – and as effective too. Trust me, you’ll be feeling the burn doing this move (in a very, VERY good way)!

What to do: 

Stand up straight – you want your feet a little more than shoulder width apart with your toes pointed outwards. 

Next, lift your arms in front of you and squat down as low as you can go – without letting your knees move out past your toes. Come back up and repeat. 

Remember, you’re doing this for the perfect butt – so you want to keep your glutes flexed and contracted.

4. Weighted Squats w/ Dumbbell

This is a powerful way to get your butt in line – plus they’re fast enough to knock out in a workout without wasting any time.

What to do: 

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart, hold two 8 pound dumbbells next to your thighs. 

Keeping your weight directly over your heels, squat down like you’re sitting down on the sofa. Make sure to keep your glutes tight as you straighten back up to the start position. 

Remember – you want to keep your knees behind your toes, and your weight in your heels through this entire exercise.

5. One Legged Towel Squats

Want to fix up the space between the bottom of your butt and the lower part of your hips? If you don’t – you’ve probably got a GREAT butt already! If you do, this is how:

What to do: 

Fold a towel on the ground and stand up straight, putting your left foot directly on top of the towel. 

Next, shift your weight onto your right leg while you allow your left leg with the towel under it to slide to your left. Pause, then slowly come back to where you started. 

Remember to keep your elbows bent and your fists near your chin – and have your right knee bend 45 to 90 degrees during the squat. Do that for 45 seconds, then switch sides.

6. Lunge Squats

What could be better than two exercises combined into one? If that’s not enough for you – this will also tone your quads to a sexy shape!

What to do: 

Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Then, squat down, keeping your knees behind your toes and your hands up close to your chin. 

Next, take your right leg and extend it behind you as far as you can, while reaching forward with your arms to balance, and make sure not to rotate your hips – keep them totally square. 

Go back to the position you started in, and then switch legs. Alternate doing that for 45 seconds.

7. Single Leg Lift Ups

Not only will you work on your glutes – you also get in solid work on your thighs AND improve your balance. That’s a win winwin. 

What to do: 

Stand up straight, feet apart at hip width, and hold a 5lb dumbbell in each of your hands at your sides. 

Next, bend your left knee and lift your foot about 4 inches off the floor. Reach forward with your arms and keep them at chest height, with your palms facing down. 

Then, making sure to keep your elbows straight, lift up your right arm up above your head, hold it there for 3 seconds, then slowly lower it back down to chest height. Do the same thing with the other arm, alternate for 30 seconds, and then switch legs.

8. Modified Leg Raises

Want to shape the bottom of your buns for bikini season? Look no further than this super effective exercise. 

What to do: 

Lie down on the floor on your back, with your arms resting at your sides. 

Next, bend your knees 90 degrees and lift up your feet off the floor. You want your thighs to form a right angle with the floor. 

Slowly tap your left toes onto the ground, then your right toes, alternating for 60 seconds. If you feel this exercise in your back – and it hurts – don’t bring your toes all the way to the ground.

9. Sideways Stairs

If your lower back cries out at you every day for mercy, this is a great way to get rid of that tension. Oh, plus work your butt. Did I mention these exercises are great at shaping and toning your butt?

What to do: 

Lie down on your back, keeping your arms resting at your sides. Have your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. 

Next, lift your hips upwards and squeeze your glutes and your hamstrings – and hold that position for one second. Then, slowly lower yourself back down. 

Don’t push too far – you don’t want to arch your spine too much. Instead, go until you can feel the burn, then relax.

10. Hip Rotations With Leg Extensions

If you want to get your WHOLE butt in shape – including getting your hips as sexy and curvy as can be – this is the exercise for you.

What to do: 

Start on all fours, with your palms facing down directly under your shoulders and your fingers pointing forward. Keep your knees at hip-width apart.

Next, lift your right knee out and towards the ceiling, and then extend your right leg straight out to the side.

Hold for one count with your leg fully extended, then bend your knee and bring your leg back in, then return your knee back to the mat in the starting position. Do that for one full minute on each side.

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