Ingredients: 250gr Fresh Pasta Layers for Lasagne
200gr Fontina Cheese
2 tabs Radicchio and Mushrooms Pesto Fresco SIPO
100gr Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese
80gr Unsalted Butter
80gr FWhite flour
1L Whole Milk
First we prepare the béchamel, put the milk to boil and in another saucepan melt the butter when it is completely melted, add the flour and thicken by mixing for a couple of minutes.
We then transfer this mixture to the boiling milk.
Season with nutmeg and a pinch of salt, mix everything and remove from the heat.
Let's keep 3-4 ladles aside, then add the rest to the SIPO Radicchio and Mushrooms Fresh Pesto.
Finally, cut the fontina into cubes.
We can now compose our lasagna: take a baking dish, distribute a little bechamel and radicchio on the bottom, then roll out the sheets of fresh pasta without cooking it previously.
Then add more béchamel to the radicchio, over a little fontina cheese and a sprinkling of grated Parmesan. We cover with other pasta sheets and repeat the layers until the ingredients are used up.
Complete by distributing the white béchamel, initially kept aside and plenty of grated Parmesan cheese, which will create a crispy crust when cooked, then cook in a preheated ventilated oven at 200 ° for 20-25 minutes.
As mentioned above, the cheese must have formed a nice crust, if this were not the case, we can turn on the grill function of our oven and finish cooking for a few minutes, however paying particular attention that the lasagna does not burn.
Once cooked, we wait just a couple of minutes to cut them, then serve them very hot, so as to enhance the melting effect of the cheese.
Enjoy together with your family and friends!
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